Life is a
journey. Ever wondered to live it to its
full potential? To have no fear that you screwed up somewhere? To remove all
the regrets that they were not supposed to be in your life? You be walking
around the world as a public figure.... you been a super star of your own life
If you are
reading this and claim that you have already made it there...a super star....
that you have all the drama needed to live your life. We should all go through
this writings and see if it’s really true. But I bet in the end you will find
what you are missing to be a real super star of you own life.
Here are
some tips... basically three things that you need to do to be a super star of you
own life.
Every human
being life has three pillars... public life... private life and secret life. Associating
the three pillars well gives you a good quality life you deserve.
Here we talk of the life that everyone sees. Suppose one
of your friends is asked to describe you, ever wondered what he/she would say
about you? In this life, you should avoid creating enemies who would later say badly
about you. Do things that you know are harmless and good to your neighbour...friend...anyone around you. Be the icon you need people to see
about you.
Private life
The life that only your closest friends and family
should know about. People trustworthy enough. This includes your relationship
life. In order for your relationships to work You
should keep them as private as possible. Find God and keep your faith to not brag around every where..there are places for that. Find you business partner and do your
work as privately as possible...let the work publicise itself in the end. Find Bae and enjoy your relationship freely without publicising it that much to destroy
it. People don’t like it when you develop in any aspect of your life. So to
avoid the private. Don't let the best parts of your life make it to social medias.
3. Secret life
You might be working as a secret spy in another nation
that even your wife/husband isn’t authorised to know about it. Would you manage
to keep it a secret? Play your cards well when it comes to something that
should remain hidden. The truth that needs to be buried away. If you know it
would create chaos if it is spoken out...if it is revealed...then ...don’t
spread rumours about it. When you are trusted with a secret...keep it. If you
fear you can not... then you should never had taken it in the first place.
The secrets
of your own life should be the secrets of your own. If you feel like sharing
them with someone else...then...choose well.
The key to been a super star of your life is to keep
your public life...public... your private life... private... and your secret secret as possible.

Success always hugs you in private... but failure always
slaps you in public.
That’s life!
Don’t screw up!
source; Today's Youths
Thank You!
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