Sunday, November 5, 2017


There are infinite numbers between 0 - 1 just as how there are stars yet to be seen or named. In life we pass through ups and downs from the time we were kids to the time we grow up, and even in the future. The ups and downs will be countless... just like the stars. One thing to always keep in mind is what goes around comes around and what goes up must eventually come down. It’s a balance and a cycle that must keep moving as how it is. When we see someone down we should be there for them for we may never know when and where we are going to need a helping hand ourselves.

So once upon a time lived a girl. She was beautiful, kind, and like any other girl she had insecurities, doubts and questions about herself, about people, and why life would be so crappy sometimes it irritated her and made it all seem so unfair. She thought of running away from everything and everyone but where would she go and who would she go with?? The questions kept pilling up she decided to let it go and give life a chance. She tried to have friends but every time a connection starts to form, something comes up and destroys it all. She asked herself if she was the problem. And if so then where and when does she always go wrong. In school she would always get picked on and bullied emotionally and psychologically. Words killed her slowly. There was no peace at home… she had no friends. All the people around her were busy making other plans and not noticing how she was falling apart. So one day she decided to let go....

Suicide is never an option but again nobody can ever know what is going on through someone’s mind. A simple “how are you holding up” can sometimes mean a lot to someone. We are busy making plans in life and have people around us. People who we take for granted sometimes! 

Nobody is ever going to be around forever in life. The little time we have to be with people that we love... let’s be there fully for them, befriend someone and be loyal to them, fall in love with that boy or girl and do it with every bone inside you, when you miss someone let them know. You may just be the reason for their existence.

So if you have a friend or anyone in particular out there go and ask them; are you okay? Go and tell them; i appreciate you, i love you, i am sorry, you are just so good at what you do and the like.

Because just like the infinite stars above, there shall come a day when all will be gone and nothing will be left behind.

Today's Youth Foundation wishes you a Merry Christmas, Keep Calm and Jingle all the way!!!
 Thank You!

Author: Angela Gwakisas

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Any plant cannot grow unless it is in the environment that allows it to do so. Same applies to Career, it has to be built. It has to grow so that, as an individual you can stand forth to achieve success.


A career can be defined as a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life. It is a profession or undertaking.

100% commitment, proper timing, good relationship & connections, and integrity can be among things that create favorable environment for a successful career building.

In the course of studying, there are levels which I suppose many of us had passed through. The primary school level, the ordinary level, advanced level or diploma, and the undergraduate level.As we go higher in our educational level, we found our studies narrowing to our choosing. That is part of building our career, and many of us at the lowest level of education ought to be doctors, pilots, and many other known & trembling professions’ of the kind but things have changed by now! Progress chose for us!


We have to understand that every profession has its uniqueness and importance to the society. You are needed for whom you have chosen to be! The way you sell out yourself to the corporates puts you in either a win situation or a losing position. You have to choose wisely on how to boost your career to its uniqueness. Here are some tips!
  •  Build good relationship and connections with anyone who can affect your career. The lecturers, supervisors, fellow colleagues, the alumni, ‘companies’  etc etc
  • Be committed in building your profession. If there occurs any opportunity which will take you to the next level of your profession like an opening for post graduate studies, a short time training session, internship opportunity, online training/mentoring etc, then do not hesitate to take it. This brings us to the next tip:
  •  Add to your CV as many things as you can, they will come to matter in the end.
  •  Do as many professional exams as you can. If you have all the necessities to do the exams, then do them. Failures occur, but do not give up. Try harder, and look upon other routes which might be easy but have the same goals as yours. These professional exams have their significance in the corporate world.
  •  In any company you work for, any corporate training you attend, any internship you shall undertake, remember to build your integrity. Do your work in accordance to the company’s vision. Do that, and you shall flourish although it will take some time!
  •  Be creative! This is 21st century, competition is high, and so to raise your standards, you must allow your mind to be open and be creative in solving different problems in the society. Creativity also goes further into development and innovation of products that fit your professional zone.
  •  Be well informed about the corporate world. Read news, go through new regulations & laws set out that affect your profession. Be updated!  This will stretch your creativity.

These are the very few essential tips that will help build your profession. As I was writing this article, I had a question in my mind that I need to leave it with you…. Is there a difference between a career and a profession?
Thank You!


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