Sunday, April 9, 2017

How To Dump Someone (Like An Actual Adult)

Let's put an end to text message breakups.
1. Don't stall.
You don't need permission or a 'good enough' reason to break up with someone.

2. Talk to the other person's best self.
Plan to talk to the best self that you know is in there, even if their worst self is all you can see at the moment. People tend to step up or step down to the level on which we engage them.

3. Do it privately, and in person if possible.
Do it in private, at a time when you won't be interrupted. If you do it in public, you're not just hurting them, you're humiliating them.

4. Actually use the words "break up."
Say, "I think we should break up" or "I'm breaking up with you" at the beginning of the conversation.

5. Don't blame them.
Don't talk about what you think the other person did wrong in the relationship or negatively evaluate their personality. This wrongly puts the responsibility for your decision to break up onto the other person.

6. Listen without making suggestions.
Give the person the respect of focusing on their point of view, and then you can move on.

7. Accept that they may say hurtful things to you.
People in breakups often react badly, expressing their anger and sorrow in an attack-style form of communication, be prepared for this and focus your attention on what the other person is really trying to say, even if they are saying it very badly. Let them know that you heard them, even when you disagree.
The one exception? If he or she becomes violent. Then, "get the hell out."

8. Be honest if you're leaving them for someone else.
I think it's worth mentioning it because when they do see you with someone else, the shock is that much worse.

9. Be short, swift, and direct.
Avoid a preamble, rip off the Band-Aid.

10. Don't detail the breakup on social media.
Venting should be done privately to your friends in person. Facebook status change is important, but to avoid all that, you should never keep post of your relationship status in medias as they may end up with hurt and public announcements will say it all.

Thank You!

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